Hmmm... I guess I'm just an ERROR 404.
CG .
(dominant extrovert concrete feeler ).
Hmmm... I guess I'm just an ERROR 404.
incredibly funny array of mugshots, just had to share em.. heheeh.
Incredibly funny array of mugshots, just had to share em.. heheeh
we can't be with lin in person for her big day but we can use her as an exuse to have a little fun *grin*.
every day until her big day i'm going to post a bridal shower game/activity .
-if i can find enough-lol- .
Marriage is like a dirty diaper, you change it, but there's always more where that came from!
I know... dumb... but I didn't wanna say anything corny.
this subject has bothered me for 5 years now.. eventually the day will come where i'll need to tell my folks i'm no longer a jw.
my oldest son (who is 3) is getting to the age where he talks about everything from birthday cakes to christmas trees.
we were able to get away with birthdays and holidays so far, but now is becoming increasingly difficult to stop him from talking about them when the family's around.. should i write a letter?
Ummm.. whatre you gonna do? Tell the 3 year old to lie? I think it woudl just be better for you to make your beliefs known and just get it over with.
i just got off the phone with my x-hubby.
his mother is sueing us for visitation of our son!!!!!!!!!
let me explain why we don't let her see him......................................
Thanks for the vote of confidence ChevysNTats. I have been through this crap at least three times. When my son was growing up, they filed on me three times. I won all three. The reason that I won all three is because his Father was so busy working to afford to go to court that he didnt' have enough time to spend with our kid. All that guy wanted to do is WORK. No time to spend with he kid. I got wise later on and just didn't get lawyers. I just talked to the Judge.. and told him the situation, and I got custody all three times. The deal with this is you just have to talk to the Judge. It doesn't matter what motions you file, etc.. if you talk to the Judge and write him a letter.. and then bring people into court that support your position.. well it all works out. I learned that later on. If you have a position that you don't WANT a certain person visiting with your child... you just bring all the peopel that support your position into court and they testify.
with so many people drifting or daing recently, as indicated by the sheparding call thread and the assembly demonstrations thread, i am wondering how the average jw is reacting.
how do they view it?.
usually when someone leaves the org the other members react with astonishment and shock.
Like MegaDude says ... it's a hopeless exercise. Another poster recently started a thread about them "dying from the inside out" and another started a thread about "reform" being hopeless. It is. People in the JW's, especially those in for 30 and 40 years, are hard core types... and I just don't think there is any chance they will get out no matter what evidence is placed in front of their faces. There are just those that REFUSE to accept any outside evidence, because they have been trained to believe that outside evidence is from Satan. I sent my my relative the actual NG letter stating that the JW's were a member of the UN.. and she just said that the UN was lying, and that it should "spend more time teaching the Bible." Goes to show the unlimited depth of their delusions.
They just have to see it for themselves. If they refuse to accept logical premises, well, then, what else are we to do? People only change when they are in danger of death is what i say.
Country Girl
i just got off the phone with my x-hubby.
his mother is sueing us for visitation of our son!!!!!!!!!
let me explain why we don't let her see him......................................
Saw your post about her trying to pursue grandparent's visitation rights in texas. Unfortunately, Texas is one of those states that believes that Grandparents have a right to visit their children. The judges are bound by the law, which is the following: Court held that the grandparents rights laws of the state of Washington were unconstitutional. To my knowledge the United States Supreme Court has not ruled on the laws of any of the other states. That court opinion said that the Washington statute was "breathtakingly broad". That case also held that the Washington statute unconstitutionally infringed on parents rights to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of the their children. The Washington trial court gave no special weight to the parents determination of the children's best interest and placed the burden of proof on the parent to disprove that visitation with the grandparents would be in the best interest of the children. Recently, in Texas, our Court of Appeals in Austin has held that the Texas grandparents rights laws are constitutional. The Austin court said that the Texas Family Code is not "breathtakingly broad", as was the Washington statute. Texas law allows only grandparents, under particular circumstances, to petition for access of a child, provided it is in the child's best interest. The Austin Court of Appeals held that the Texas statute is not unconstitutional on its face or in the District Court's application of the Texas statute to the facts in the case they were deciding. Each case depends up on its own particular and unique facts and circumstances. There may be a case in Texas where the application of the Texas statute's to the facts of that case might be unconstitutional. The Texas Supreme Court might overrule the Austin Court of Appeals. The United States Supreme Court might decide that the Texas statute is unconstitutional. But, for now, grandparents rights in Texas are alive and well! So, for now it seems she CAN file for grand-child visitation rights. That doesn't mean that she is going to take your son, nor does it mean that the court will be LIBERAL with the rights. It seems that it only means that she has the RIGHT to sue for visitations, not that she will be able to have ONE whole weekend, unbarred access to your child. To me, this means that the Court takes into great consideration the circumstances surrounding the child's upbringing, parents' hesitations, etc. I don't think that you don't have to hire a lawyer. Since she is bringing YOU to Court, it seems that the burden of proof on WHY she has to have visitations with your son is on her. It seems she has to prove to the Court that she, besides being his Grandmother, will be beneficial to your child. You, it seems, all you have to do is show up. Don't worry... Just go and tell the Judge what you told us in the group. He/She will appropriately decide what is to be done with her requests. I am *not* a lawyer, nor do I have any legal expertise. I have been through custody trials for a long time in my life and do have a particular experience with it.. Just go and tell the Judge. Don't worry.. he'll prolly take you and your ex's hesitations into consideration. Wishing you the best of luck country girl
Edited by - country girl on 8 January 2003 13:55:38
just been clearing some space in my house and deciding what to get rid of.i have a whole rack of "meeting clothes" shirts , suits ties etc that i have never worn since i left.i kept a few shirts and a couple of suits just in case i need them sometime.what a load of money those clothes most have cost extra good reason for leaving, and think of all those dry cleaning bills you'll miss as well.bad luck if you work in an office.
When I just became an "XJW Country Girl" I gave all my suits, dresses, everything, away to the charities! My husband was kind of upset since he likes women in dresses.. but I had to state for posterity: "Who is gonna see me in those dresses except for the horses, chickens and cats?" I consider it in bad taste to wear a dress to feed chickens. It's just not practical! I hope some nice JW sister got some advantage out of my $400 suits! I hardly consider it fitting for a girl to wear a dress when her water pipes break and she has to dig 18" of muddy dirt up to find a broken leak. It just wasn't practical anymore. So, if I *ever* go back to the meetings I'll just wear my overalls and hope they understand.
when the elders or other "mature ones" tried to assist you, they would ask questions like, "what's wrong?
why weren't you at the meeting?
or service?.......what good excuses did you give, when asked these types of questions?
I just said God got my periods backwards.. that I stopped bleeding 3 days a month. Did they *have any QUESTIONS??* <grin>
Country Girl
i understand from a philadelphia trumpet article (december 2002 p.24)that nimrud was married 2 his own mother,celebrated his birthday on december 25,rebelled against godetc etc.. also the pharoahs,the herodian family as well as the hitler family (all evil men)practised incest.. in view of the pagan/cruel rulers connections,should someone who practise incest b disfellowed from the congregation?.
ummmm no. since they are practicing incestual rites that have long been espoused by such great leaders as herod and hitler, then no. <smirk> They should all be made Circuit Overseers.